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The Count of Monte Cristo

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Page 1: Marseilles--The Arrival. On the 24th of February, 1815, th...
Page 19: Morrel, for after this first visit has been paid I have an...
Page 37: I am not in any want, thank God, my living is suited to my...
Page 55: Fernand let fall his head like a defeated man, heaved a si...
Page 73: Well, my dear sir," said Danglars to Fernand, "here is a m...
Page 91: The apartment destined for the purpose was spacious and li...
Page 109: Old Dantes, however, sprang forward. There are situations ...
Page 127: As I before said, I thought the whole thing was a joke, no...
Page 145: de Villefort, you have promised me--have you not?--always ...
Page 163: He stifled, therefore, the feelings of compassion that wer...
Page 181: This accursed letter would have destroyed all my hopes. Oh...
Page 199: He had no fears as to how he should live--good seamen are ...
Page 217: She passed the night thus. The lamp went out for want of o...
Page 235: I told you Villefort was ambitious, and to attain this amb...
Page 253: Do not mention reports, duke, to me, for I know now what c...
Page 271: People are found every day in the Seine, having thrown the...
Page 289: What is his name?" said he. "Tell me his name." "Edmond Da...
Page 307: Seeing a stranger, escorted by two turnkeys holding torche...
Page 325: This fortnight expired, he decided that the inspector woul...
Page 343: The breaking of his jug was too natural an accident to exc...
Page 361: Then from the bottom of this passage, the depth of which i...
Page 379: This time you will lay your plans more accurately; we shal...
Page 397: And was it not discovered that your sheets were unhemmed?"...
Page 415: Stay!--stay!--How strange that it should not have occurred...
Page 433: The prisoners were then to make their way through one of t...
Page 451: I will not irritate him," thought Edmond, and taking the p...
Page 469: serves for me the fate of Cardinals Caprara ...I declare t...
Page 487: Oh, yes, yes; be assured I shall save you! Besides, althou...
Page 505: His hand placed upon his heart was unable to redress its t...
Page 523: Dantes let go of the timber, which he now thought to be us...
Page 541: They sailed; Edmond was again cleaving the azure sea which...
Page 559: The cause was not in Dantes, but in providence, who, while...
Page 577: He again struck it, and with greater force. Then a singula...
Page 595: Giving the sailor a piece of money in return for his civil...
Page 613: So much the better for you, if what you assert be true," s...
Page 631: Remember," chimed in La Carconte, "those two could crush y...
Page 649: Yes, sir, I was there, and very anxious to speak; but Dang...
Page 667: What, for me only?" cried Caderousse, "ah, sir, do not jes...
Page 685: Yes, indeed. So, sir, you wish to see all relating to the ...
Page 703: Morrel again changed color. Julie threw herself into his a...
Page 721: As he descended the staircase, Morrel met Penelon, who was...
Page 739: You have a calm, strong mind, Maximilian. Maximilian, you ...
Page 757: Six days! Why, that's as long as the Almighty took to make...
Page 775: He mentioned this to Gaetano, who replied that nothing cou...
Page 793: I?--I live the happiest life possible, the real life of a ...
Page 811: There, do you hear?" observed Gaetano; "he is bidding you ...
Page 829: That is what all the French say," returned Signor Pastrini...
Page 847: These exploits had gained Luigi considerable reputation. T...
Page 865: The Count of San-Felice pointed out Teresa, who was hangin...
Page 883: And what may a myth be?" inquired Pastrini. "The explanati...
Page 901: His dress will procure him the means of approaching the sc...
Page 919: Franz, who had mutely interrogated the countess, and recei...
Page 937: Now, then, in this difficulty a bright idea has flashed ac...
Page 955: Albert instantly rose to meet him, but Franz remained, in ...
Page 973: We will send the carriage to wait for us on the Piazza del...
Page 991: Franz and Albert were like men who, to drive away a violen...
Page 1009: The Turks used to be so picturesque with their long and fl...
Page 1027: The Catacombs of Saint Sebastian. In his whole life, perha...
Page 1045: Where is the man who brought the letter?" "In the street."...
Page 1063: Then going to Albert, he touched him on the shoulder, sayi...
Page 1081: My dear fellow," exclaimed Albert, "what can there possibl...
Page 1099: No, no, my dear fellow, do not confound our plans. We take...
Page 1117: Yes? but I doubt that your object was like theirs--to resc...
Page 1135: No Count of Monte Cristo" added Debray. "There is half-pas...
Page 1153: I will keep it," returned Morcerf; "but I fear that you wi...
Page 1171: From the salon they passed into the bed-chamber; it was a ...
Page 1189: Then, my dear mother," said Albert, putting his hand to th...
Page 1207: Bertuccio!" The steward appeared at the door. "Monsieur Be...
Page 1225: Bah," replied Monte Cristo, "impossible!" "It is as I tell...
Page 1243: In my turn I uttered a cry, but a cry of joy. 'God has not...
Page 1261: francs for it. Only, in order to satisfy himself that it r...
Page 1279: All these circumstances did not strike me as painfully at ...
Page 1297: True, excellency, that was the crime, the real crime, for ...
Page 1315: She must be kept in constant readiness to sail immediately...
Page 1333: Is the baroness at home?" inquired Danglars. "Yes, my lord...
Page 1351: He stationed himself in a room commanding a view of the st...
Page 1369: Four successive revolutions had built and cemented the ped...
Page 1387: You have seen nothing that resembles him, because he works...
Page 1405: The Morrel Family. In a very few minutes the count reached...
Page 1423: But," continued she, "Lord Wilmore had a family or friends...
Page 1441: A rapid change took place in the young man's feelings. "De...
Page 1459: I do not think it likely, sir; Mademoiselle de Villefort i...
Page 1477: Then the foolish criminal is taken, imprisoned, interrogat...
Page 1495: It happened that on this particular night the minister's b...
Page 1513: My good fellow," said Chateau-Renaud, "the count is your f...
Page 1531: Then sleep here, my dear count. The conditions are favorab...
Page 1549: That is not his biggest scoop," said Morcerf; "did he not ...
Page 1567: Indeed, count, you are the most polished man in the world....
Page 1585: A youthful indiscretion, I suppose, which you were anxious...
Page 1603: I dare say you have nothing else with you. What is the use...
Page 1621: The fact is," said the young man, "that I should be exceed...
Page 1639: de Villefort's house, and, behind the gate, half screened ...
Page 1657: The friend of Madame de Villefort! It cannot be; surely, V...
Page 1675: The procureur, who knew the political hatred which had for...
Page 1693: Noirtier;--try." Noirtier gave Valentine such a look of te...
Page 1711: I am quite resigned. These 900,000 francs will go out of t...
Page 1729: Rue de la Fontaine!" exclaimed Villefort in an agitated to...
Page 1747: And what is the pay?" "A thousand francs, sir." "It is not...
Page 1765: Chapter 62. Ghosts. At first sight, the exterior of the ho...
Page 1783: Waiting for whom?" Bertuccio, without answering, pointed t...
Page 1801: Yes, but you have not this little staircase," said Monte C...
Page 1819: How does that annoy you?" "It does not; on the contrary, I...
Page 1837: Madame," said Lucien, playing with a little dog, who, reco...
Page 1855: The baroness had been tolerably composed until the name of...
Page 1873: Very little, at least; I know of none which Cavalcanti pos...
Page 1891: Collect all your courage, for you have not yet heard all."...
Page 1909: Tell me," cried Villefort, fixing his eyes more steadfastl...
Page 1927: My mother begs you to come." "The Comtesse de Morcerf?" sa...
Page 1945: In what branch?" "In the navy." "Are you not his confessor...
Page 1963: Were you at the opera yesterday?" "No." "He was there." "A...
Page 1981: Mercedes smiled sadly. "Approach him," said she, "and when...
Page 1999: He drew back the bolt of his door, and almost directly an ...
Page 2017: The poor child appeared herself to require the doctor she ...
Page 2035: Another might threaten to seek M. Franz, to provoke him, a...
Page 2053: Who could be dead in that house, which Villefort himself h...
Page 2071: Alas," said Morrel with a feeling of selfish joy; for he t...
Page 2089: But she has not died of old age, but of grief; it appears ...
Page 2107: A Signed Statement. Noirtier was prepared to receive them,...
Page 2125: Another method of assassination?" said the general, shrugg...
Page 2143: Why?" said the banker. "If he is a prince, he is wrong not...
Page 2161: Prove it to me." "Do you wish me to do so?" "Yes." "Well, ...
Page 2179: The cups of coffee were all prepared, with the addition of...
Page 2197: My father looked at his watch, and paced up and down with ...
Page 2215: In the midst of all the strange events which had crowded o...
Page 2233: Albert left the cab in which he had come at the count's do...
Page 2251: That is impossible." "Do so, then; it will be a wiser plan...
Page 2269: And with my grandfather's consent I shall fulfil the promi...
Page 2287: This second attack was much more violent than the first, a...
Page 2305: d'Avrigny, I should kill myself." "Well," said the doctor,...
Page 2323: Ah, yes; you look at my room, my four straw chairs, my ima...
Page 2341: Well, it surpasses that." "It must be worth one's while to...
Page 2359: Dear Benedetto," said he, "I think he will not be sorry to...
Page 2377: Poverty"-- "Pshaw!" said Busoni disdainfully; "poverty may...
Page 2395: Ah, it's all over! You are come too late--you are come to ...
Page 2413: Albert," said the journalist, "these are questions which i...
Page 2431: M. de Villefort heard of him at Marseilles, and M. Danglar...
Page 2449: Take a post-chaise or a carriage." "No, it would delay me,...
Page 2467: Who told you that?" "Alas, I guess it. But go on, Beaucham...
Page 2485: No, sir," said Albert, coldly; "there are circumstances in...
Page 2503: Morrel followed him, and looked also for his sister and br...
Page 2521: And why do you represent providence?" cried Mercedes. "Why...
Page 2539: He turned his head, looked around him, and saw no one; but...
Page 2557: He jumped from his horse, threw the bridle on his servant'...
Page 2575: I know you are going to leave the Rue du Helder without ta...
Page 2593: I came to tell you that I also look upon you as my enemy. ...
Page 2611: Indeed," cried Eugenie, "you are very pale!" "Oh, do not b...
Page 2629: I love most fondly--I love madly--I love as a man who woul...
Page 2647: However, this time, my tranquillity, or passiveness as phi...
Page 2665: Danglars informed you of the ceremony?" "Oh, yes," said th...
Page 2683: One of the notaries sat down, the other remained standing....
Page 2701: Oh, the magnificent hair!" said Louise, with regret. "And ...
Page 2719: Why is that gendarme there?" asked Andrea of himself. Then...
Page 2737: Madame Danglars then concluded that the young girl had bee...
Page 2755: But, sir, he has fled; let him escape--inaction is a pardo...
Page 2773: Just then the sound of finger-nails slightly grating again...
Page 2791: Just then, Madame de Villefort, in the act of slipping on ...
Page 2809: I entreat you."--continued Villefort. "But," said Morrel, ...
Page 2827: Philosophers may well say, and practical men will always s...
Page 2845: Then he double-locked his door, emptied all his drawers, c...
Page 2863: Julie threw herself into the arms of the count; Emmanuel e...
Page 2881: Oh, you need not be alarmed, you will only have lost him a...
Page 2899: But these 200 francs?" "Here they are, and 200 more beside...
Page 2917: Certainly a call to the visitors' room had scarcely astoni...
Page 2935: To-day," he said with an effort,--"to-day the man who hold...
Page 2953: The worthy sergeant had recognized the minister's secretar...
Page 2971: M. de Villefort, who was busy taking down some notes, rais...
Page 2989: Not locked," he cried; "that is well." And he entered the ...
Page 3007: His carelessness and indifference touch me to the heart," ...
Page 3025: You, Edmond, on the contrary,--you are still young, handso...
Page 3043: The count breathed with difficulty; the cold drops ran dow...
Page 3061: On the 4th a yacht will wait for you in the port of Bastia...
Page 3079: Danglars followed his guide without opposition, and had no...
Page 3097: Danglars shuddered. The bandage fell from his eyes, and he...
Page 3115: Ah, yes," he said, as if awaking from a dream. "Give it to...
Page 3133: Is it heaven that opens before me?" thought the dying man;...
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