"'"Because, sir," said the president, "you have insulted a man, and
that man will not go one step farther without demanding honorable
"'"Another method of assassination?" said the general, shrugging his
"'"Make no noise, sir, unless you wish me to consider you as one of the
men of whom you spoke just now as cowards, who take their weakness for
a shield. You are alone, one alone shall answer you; you have a sword
by your side, I have one in my cane; you have no witness, one of these
gentlemen will serve you. Now, if you please, remove your bandage."
The general tore the handkerchief from his eyes. "At last," said he, "I
shall know with whom I have to do." They opened the door and the four
men alighted.'"
Franz again interrupted himself, and wiped the cold drops from his brow;
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