there was something awful in hearing the son read aloud in trembling
pallor these details of his father's death, which had hitherto been a
mystery. Valentine clasped her hands as if in prayer. Noirtier looked at
Villefort with an almost sublime expression of contempt and pride. Franz
"'It was, as we said, the fifth of February. For three days the mercury
had been five or six degrees below freezing and the steps were covered
with ice. The general was stout and tall, the president offered him the
side of the railing to assist him in getting down. The two witnesses
followed. It was a dark night. The ground from the steps to the river
was covered with snow and hoarfrost, the water of the river looked black
and deep. One of the seconds went for a lantern in a coal-barge near,
and by its light they examined the weapons. The president's sword, which
was simply, as he had said, one he carried in his cane, was five inches
shorter than the general's, and had no guard. The general proposed to
cast lots for the swords, but the president said it was he who had given
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