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The Count of Monte Cristo

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journalist, had unlimited range all over the theatre. It happened that
on this particular night the minister's box was placed at the disposal
of Lucien Debray, who offered it to the Comte de Morcerf, who again,
upon his mother's rejection of it, sent it to Danglars, with an
intimation that he should probably do himself the honor of joining the
baroness and her daughter during the evening, in the event of their
accepting the box in question. The ladies received the offer with too
much pleasure to dream of a refusal. To no class of persons is the
presentation of a gratuitous opera-box more acceptable than to the
wealthy millionaire, who still hugs economy while boasting of carrying a
king's ransom in his waistcoat pocket.

Danglars had, however, protested against showing himself in a
ministerial box, declaring that his political principles, and his
parliamentary position as member of the opposition party would not
permit him so to commit himself; the baroness had, therefore, despatched
a note to Lucien Debray, bidding him call for them, it being wholly
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