with me, so that I have been able to finish my work here."
"And was it not discovered that your sheets were unhemmed?"
"Oh, no, for when I had taken out the thread I required, I hemmed the
edges over again."
"With what?"
"With this needle," said the abbe, as, opening his ragged vestments, he
showed Dantes a long, sharp fish-bone, with a small perforated eye
for the thread, a small portion of which still remained in it. "I once
thought," continued Faria, "of removing these iron bars, and letting
myself down from the window, which, as you see, is somewhat wider than
yours, although I should have enlarged it still more preparatory to my
flight; however, I discovered that I should merely have dropped into a
sort of inner court, and I therefore renounced the project altogether
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