this horrible secret shall forever remain buried amongst ourselves!" The
two men drew back.
"I entreat you."--continued Villefort.
"But," said Morrel, "the culprit--the murderer--the assassin."
"Do not alarm yourself, sir; justice will be done," said Villefort. "My
father has revealed the culprit's name; my father thirsts for revenge as
much as you do, yet even he conjures you as I do to keep this secret. Do
you not, father?"
"Yes," resolutely replied Noirtier. Morrel suffered an exclamation of
horror and surprise to escape him. "Oh, sir," said Villefort, arresting
Maximilian by the arm, "if my father, the inflexible man, makes this
request, it is because he knows, be assured, that Valentine will be
terribly revenged. Is it not so, father?" The old man made a sign in the
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