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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Yes," replied the count, "and you confirmed the report. A youthful
indiscretion, I suppose, which you were anxious to conceal from the
world at large?" The major recovered himself, and resumed his usual calm
manner, at the same time casting his eyes down, either to give himself
time to compose his countenance, or to assist his imagination, all the
while giving an under-look at the count, the protracted smile on whose
lips still announced the same polite curiosity. "Yes," said the major,
"I did wish this fault to be hidden from every eye."

"Not on your own account, surely," replied Monte Cristo; "for a man is
above that sort of thing?"

"Oh, no, certainly not on my own account," said the major with a smile
and a shake of the head.

"But for the sake of the mother?" said the count.

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