appearance of his hosts, his anxiety had quite disappeared, or rather,
at sight of the goat, had turned to appetite. He mentioned this to
Gaetano, who replied that nothing could be more easy than to prepare
a supper when they had in their boat, bread, wine, half a dozen
partridges, and a good fire to roast them by. "Besides," added he, "if
the smell of their roast meat tempts you, I will go and offer them two
of our birds for a slice."
"You are a born diplomat," returned Franz; "go and try."
Meanwhile the sailors had collected dried sticks and branches with which
they made a fire. Franz waited impatiently, inhaling the aroma of the
roasted meat, when the captain returned with a mysterious air.
"Well," said Franz, "anything new?--do they refuse?"
"On the contrary," returned Gaetano, "the chief, who was told you were a
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