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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"We are here;--take courage."

"Ah, it's all over! You are come too late--you are come to see me die.
What blows, what blood!" He fainted. Ali and his master conveyed the
wounded man into a room. Monte Cristo motioned to Ali to undress him,
and he then examined his dreadful wounds. "My God!" he exclaimed, "thy
vengeance is sometimes delayed, but only that it may fall the more
effectually." Ali looked at his master for further instructions. "Bring
here immediately the king's attorney, M. de Villefort, who lives in the
Faubourg St. Honore. As you pass the lodge, wake the porter, and send
him for a surgeon." Ali obeyed, leaving the abbe alone with Caderousse,
who had not yet revived.

When the wretched man again opened his eyes, the count looked at him
with a mournful expression of pity, and his lips moved as if in prayer.
"A surgeon, reverend sir--a surgeon!" said Caderousse.

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