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The Count of Monte Cristo

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mistake,' he said, 'providence does exist, only you have never seen him,
because the child of God is as invisible as the parent. You have seen
nothing that resembles him, because he works by secret springs, and
moves by hidden ways. All I can do for you is to make you one of the
agents of that providence.' The bargain was concluded. I may sacrifice
my soul, but what matters it?" added Monte Cristo. "If the thing were
to do again, I would again do it." Villefort looked at Monte Cristo with
extreme amazement. "Count," he inquired, "have you any relations?"

"No, sir, I am alone in the world."

"So much the worse."

"Why?" asked Monte Cristo.

"Because then you might witness a spectacle calculated to break down
your pride. You say you fear nothing but death?"
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