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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Madame," replied Monte Cristo gravely, and gazing earnestly on the two
liquid pearls that trickled down Julie's cheeks, "had Lord Wilmore seen
what I now see, he would become attached to life, for the tears you shed
would reconcile him to mankind;" and he held out his hand to Julie, who
gave him hers, carried away by the look and accent of the count. "But,"
continued she, "Lord Wilmore had a family or friends, he must have known
some one, can we not--"

"Oh, it is useless to inquire," returned the count; "perhaps, after all,
he was not the man you seek for. He was my friend: he had no secrets
from me, and if this had been so he would have confided in me."

"And he told you nothing?"

"Not a word."

"Nothing that would lead you to suppose?"
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