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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Oh, if you do know him," cried Julie, "can you tell us where he
is--where we can find him? Maximilian--Emmanuel--if we do but discover
him, he must believe in the gratitude of the heart!" Monte Cristo felt
tears start into his eyes, and he again walked hastily up and down the

"In the name of heaven," said Maximilian, "if you know anything of him,
tell us what it is."

"Alas," cried Monte Cristo, striving to repress his emotion, "if Lord
Wilmore was your unknown benefactor, I fear you will never see him
again. I parted from him two years ago at Palermo, and he was then on
the point of setting out for the most remote regions; so that I fear he
will never return."

"Oh, monsieur, this is cruel of you," said Julie, much affected; and the
young lady's eyes swam with tears.
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