has much to do with the physical superiority we accord to certain
nations. The Turks used to be so picturesque with their long and flowing
robes, but are they not now hideous with their blue frocks buttoned up
to the chin, and their red caps, which make them look like a bottle of
wine with a red seal? Franz complimented Albert, who looked at himself
in the glass with an unequivocal smile of satisfaction. They were thus
engaged when the Count of Monte Cristo entered.
"Gentlemen," said he, "although a companion is agreeable, perfect
freedom is sometimes still more agreeable. I come to say that to-day,
and for the remainder of the Carnival, I leave the carriage entirely at
your disposal. The host will tell you I have three or four more, so that
you will not inconvenience me in any way. Make use of it, I pray you,
for your pleasure or your business."
The young men wished to decline, but they could find no good reason for
refusing an offer which was so agreeable to them. The Count of Monte
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