dungeon, whence he could see the ray of light that came through a narrow
iron grating above, raised his head. Seeing a stranger, escorted by two
turnkeys holding torches and accompanied by two soldiers, and to whom
the governor spoke bareheaded, Dantes, who guessed the truth, and that
the moment to address himself to the superior authorities was come,
sprang forward with clasped hands.
The soldiers interposed their bayonets, for they thought that he was
about to attack the inspector, and the latter recoiled two or three
steps. Dantes saw that he was looked upon as dangerous. Then, infusing
all the humility he possessed into his eyes and voice, he addressed the
inspector, and sought to inspire him with pity.
The inspector listened attentively; then, turning to the governor,
observed, "He will become religious--he is already more gentle; he is
afraid, and retreated before the bayonets--madmen are not afraid of
anything; I made some curious observations on this at Charenton." Then,
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