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The Count of Monte Cristo

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Still, as five o'clock approached, and the carriage was momentarily
expected by the count, the indication of more than common impatience and
uneasiness might be observed in his manner. He stationed himself in a
room commanding a view of the street, pacing the chamber with restless
steps, stopping merely to listen from time to time for the sound of
approaching wheels, then to cast an anxious glance on Ali; but the
regularity with which the Nubian puffed forth the smoke of his chibouque
proved that he at least was wholly absorbed in the enjoyment of his
favorite occupation. Suddenly a distant sound of rapidly advancing
wheels was heard, and almost immediately a carriage appeared, drawn by
a pair of wild, ungovernable horses, while the terrified coachman strove
in vain to restrain their furious speed.

In the vehicle was a young woman and a child of about seven or eight
clasped in each other's arms. Terror seemed to have deprived them even
of the power of uttering a cry. The carriage creaked and rattled as it
flew over the rough stones, and the slightest obstacle under the wheels
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