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The Count of Monte Cristo

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doctor would have done--I inflated the lungs by blowing air into them,
and at the expiration of a quarter of an hour, it began to breathe, and
cried feebly. In my turn I uttered a cry, but a cry of joy. 'God has
not cursed me then,' I cried, 'since he permits me to save the life of a
human creature, in exchange for the life I have taken away.'"

"And what did you do with the child?" asked Monte Cristo. "It was an
embarrassing load for a man seeking to escape."

"I had not for a moment the idea of keeping it, but I knew that at Paris
there was an asylum where they receive such creatures. As I passed the
city gates I declared that I had found the child on the road, and I
inquired where the asylum was; the box confirmed my statement, the linen
proved that the infant belonged to wealthy parents, the blood with which
I was covered might have proceeded from the child as well as from any
one else. No objection was raised, but they pointed out the asylum,
which was situated at the upper end of the Rue d'Enfer, and after having
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