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The Count of Monte Cristo

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Debray continued:--

"When you receive this, you will no longer have a husband. Oh, you
need not be alarmed, you will only have lost him as you have lost your
daughter; I mean that I shall be travelling on one of the thirty or
forty roads leading out of France. I owe you some explanations for my
conduct, and as you are a woman that can perfectly understand me, I will
give them. Listen, then. I received this morning five millions which I
paid away; almost directly afterwards another demand for the same sum
was presented to me; I put this creditor off till to-morrow and I intend
leaving to-day, to escape that to-morrow, which would be rather too
unpleasant for me to endure. You understand this, do you not, my most
precious wife? I say you understand this, because you are as conversant
with my affairs as I am; indeed, I think you understand them better,
since I am ignorant of what has become of a considerable portion of my
fortune, once very tolerable, while I am sure, madame, that you know
perfectly well. For women have infallible instincts; they can even
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