punishes him."
"And why do you represent providence?" cried Mercedes. "Why do you
remember when it forgets? What are Yanina and its vizier to you, Edmond?
What injury his Fernand Mondego done you in betraying Ali Tepelini?"
"Ah, madame," replied Monte Cristo, "all this is an affair between the
French captain and the daughter of Vasiliki. It does not concern me,
you are right; and if I have sworn to revenge myself, it is not on the
French captain, or the Count of Morcerf, but on the fisherman Fernand,
the husband of Mercedes the Catalane."
"Ah, sir!" cried the countess, "how terrible a vengeance for a fault
which fatality made me commit!--for I am the only culprit, Edmond, and
if you owe revenge to any one, it is to me, who had not fortitude to
bear your absence and my solitude."
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