"Everything," answered Franz,--"your voice, your look, your pallid
complexion, and even the life you lead."
"I?--I live the happiest life possible, the real life of a pasha. I am
king of all creation. I am pleased with one place, and stay there; I get
tired of it, and leave it; I am free as a bird and have wings like
one; my attendants obey my slightest wish. Sometimes I amuse myself by
delivering some bandit or criminal from the bonds of the law. Then I
have my mode of dispensing justice, silent and sure, without respite or
appeal, which condemns or pardons, and which no one sees. Ah, if you had
tasted my life, you would not desire any other, and would never return
to the world unless you had some great project to accomplish there."
"Revenge, for instance!" observed Franz.
The unknown fixed on the young man one of those looks which penetrate
into the depth of the heart and thoughts. "And why revenge?" he asked.
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