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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Because," replied Franz, "you seem to me like a man who, persecuted by
society, has a fearful account to settle with it."

"Ah," responded Sinbad, laughing with his singular laugh which displayed
his white and sharp teeth. "You have not guessed rightly. Such as you
see me I am, a sort of philosopher, and one day perhaps I shall go to
Paris to rival Monsieur Appert, and the little man in the blue cloak."

"And will that be the first time you ever took that journey?"

"Yes; it will. I must seem to you by no means curious, but I assure you
that it is not my fault I have delayed it so long--it will happen one
day or the other."

"And do you propose to make this journey very shortly?"

"I do not know; it depends on circumstances which depend on certain
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