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The Count of Monte Cristo

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bedside of her grandmother. The poor child appeared herself to require
the doctor she had recommended to her aged relative. A bright spot
burned in either cheek, her respiration was short and difficult, and her
pulse beat with feverish excitement. She was thinking of the despair
of Maximilian, when he should be informed that Madame de Saint-Meran,
instead of being an ally, was unconsciously acting as his enemy. More
than once she thought of revealing all to her grandmother, and she would
not have hesitated a moment, if Maximilian Morrel had been named Albert
de Morcerf or Raoul de Chateau-Renaud; but Morrel was of plebeian
extraction, and Valentine knew how the haughty Marquise de Saint-Meran
despised all who were not noble. Her secret had each time been repressed
when she was about to reveal it, by the sad conviction that it would be
useless to do so; for, were it once discovered by her father and mother,
all would be lost. Two hours passed thus; Madame de Saint-Meran was in
a feverish sleep, and the notary had arrived. Though his coming was
announced in a very low tone, Madame de Saint-Meran arose from her
pillow. "The notary!" she exclaimed, "let him come in."
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