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The Count of Monte Cristo

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The notary, who was at the door, immediately entered. "Go, Valentine,"
said Madame de Saint-Meran, "and leave me with this gentleman."

"But, grandmamma"--

"Leave me--go!" The young girl kissed her grandmother, and left with her
handkerchief to her eyes; at the door she found the valet de chambre,
who told her that the doctor was waiting in the dining-room. Valentine
instantly ran down. The doctor was a friend of the family, and at
the same time one of the cleverest men of the day, and very fond of
Valentine, whose birth he had witnessed. He had himself a daughter about
her age, but whose life was one continued source of anxiety and fear to
him from her mother having been consumptive.

"Oh," said Valentine, "we have been waiting for you with such
impatience, dear M. d'Avrigny. But, first of all, how are Madeleine and
Antoinette?" Madeleine was the daughter of M. d'Avrigny, and Antoinette
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