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The poor's man text & html renderer for your favourite low cost media device.

Some device resolutions I've found here, there and everywhere:

Note that this are collected in various sources with product info, so I can't trust them, except Sansa Fuze.

Archos 105160x128
Archos 405320x240
Cowon D2320x240
Google Nexus480x800
iPod Nano176x132
iPod Color/Photo220x176
Sansa e200220x176
Sansa Fuze220x176
Samsung T10320x240
Sony Mylo COM-1320x240
Zen Vision320x240

You, the developer, the developer (Ignacio Javier "igjav"), you. Nice to meet you :-).

© 2010-2012, Ignacio Javier "igjav". RENDERTEXT is free software GPL licensed.

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