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The poor's man text & html renderer for your favourite low cost media device.

Summary of command line options

[-f] [--split=int] [-d=output_folder] [--base=destination_folder]
[--short(=maximum_character_width)?] [--ic=interchar_space] 
[--il=interline_space] [--sw=device_screen_width] [--sh=device_screen_height]
[-0=#background_hexcolor] [-1=#foreground_hexcolor] [-t=format] 
[-z=compression_level] [--pd=palette_dithering] [--pc=palette_max_colors]
[--largefont|--mediumfont|--smallfont|--tinyfont] [--wrap] [--nowrap] 
[--mt=margin_top] [--mr=margin_right] [--mb=margin_bottom] [--ml=margin_left]
[--bg=bg_file] [--bg-fixed] [--bg-tiled] [--bg-stretched] [--bg-opac=level]
[--pagenumbers] [--pn-offr=pixels] [--pn-offb=pixels] [--nopagenumbers]
[--rotate90|--rotate180|--rotate270] [--encoding=input_file_encoding]
[--oencoding=output_encoding] [--single=tmp_img_file_path] [--stdout(=(0|1))?]

Options in detail

-h              : Prints this help.

file            : The file name/path to convert to a textual image. Unless in 
                  help mode, this is the only mandatory argument value.

-d=folder       : Folder where to put all the image files, default is one 
                  based in the file name and just below current folder.

--base=folder   : Specifies a folder (f) where to put inside all the generated
                  folders and files with the images. This option has no effect
                  when the -d switch is used.

--short=maxchar : *************************************************************
                  NOTE: This is a truncation option destinated to solve path
                  name length problems with some operating systems.
                  Use short names for folders and generated image filenames.
                  The specified value refers not to total file/folder length
                  but to the prefix is taken from the file name to use it in
                  the file/folder name generation. This option is only taken
                  into account, if -d option is specified, for file names (so 
                  specified folder name is always respected if -d option is 

--short         : *************************************************************
                  NOTE: This is a truncation option destinated to solve path
                  name length problems with some operating systems.
                  Use short names for folders and generated image filenames,
                  but using program's default value. This option is useful to
                  avoid errors when trying to create files and/or folders in 
                  operating systems that have a critical maximum length 
                  limitation for path names (like WinXP, for example).

--split=int     : Split images in different subfolders with at most this number
                  of files. Useful for ease navigation inside large documents.

-f              : Force folder override, if folder exists, all images in that 
                  folder would be possibly overriden with the new image ones 
                  without notice. So use with caution, or you can loss your 
                  previous image files...

--ic=-?int      : Horizontal space between characters additional to the font 
                  default one, use a positive or integer only, like -1 or 1, 
                  in order to decrease total size or readability, respectively,
                  for example. Default value is 0 pixels, the default kerning 
                  value for the font used.

--il=-?int      : Vertical space between lines. Default value is 0 (pixels).

--sw=int        : Screen width of the output reader device, the default value 
                  is 220.

--sh=int        : Screen height of the output reader device, default is 176.

-0=#hhhhhh      : Color for the background, in web hex format (for example 
                  #eeeeee for a silver gray). Default is #000000 (black). In 
                  general dark background colors will reduce significantly 
                  the power conmsumption of the MP4 device when reading ebooks.

-1=#hhhhhh      : Color for the foreground, the text in human common slang, 
                  in web hex format (for example #003377 for a nice pen alike 
                  dark blue). Default value is #bbbbbb, a light gray.

-t=jpg|gif|png  : The output image format, intended to be readable in the 
                  reader device in question. Default is jpg por a JPEG 
                  compression job.

-z=int          : The compression level, 0-100 for jpg output type, 0-9 for png
                  output type, void option for gif's. Higher the better quality
                  and so bigger image size for jpg's.

--pd=0|1        : The dithering level is an integer, 0 is false, no dithering,
                  1 means a true for dithering, in png and gif outputs only.

--pc=0-256      : The maximum number of colors for the palette in png and gif 
                  outputs only, and integer in the zero to 256 range.

--mt=-?int|auto : Top margin, in pixels, auto for automatic, that is default.

--mr=-?int|auto : Right margin, in pixels, auto for automatic, that is default.

--mb=-?int|auto : Bottom margin, in pixels, auto for automatic, that's default.

--ml=-?int|auto : Left margin, in pixels, auto for automatic, that is default
                  ---> negative values are allowed for margins.

--compact       : Compact textual output, this is ok when you do not need to 
                  preserve visually all newline information, and want to reduce
                  number of image files as much as possible.

--full          : Do this if you want the exact output as in the original text 
                  of the file, maintaining as much as possible the original 
                  formatting like in source code listings... or poetry, for 

--linear        : The default formatting, compresses single newlines, but 
                  trying to respect paragraph spacing, and does additional 
                  whitespace trimming in order to compact text in start of 
                  lines and pages.

--html          : A linear mode but with some minimal html interpretation of
                  the source file. A kind of "text plus images" mode for html
                  with images stored in disk with the browser's "Save Page As"

--smallfont     : Use a small font for text rendering, this is default font.

--tinyfont      : Use a very small font for text rendering. This can help to
                  reduce rendered size, but probably decreasing readability.

--mediumfont    : Use a medium sized font for text rendering.

--largefont     : Use a large sized font for text rendering. This could be 
                  a size suicide for small device rendering purposes.

--pagenumbers   : Use page numbering, default is not.

--nopagenumbers : Do not use page numbering, this is default.

--pn-offr=int   : A positive integer indicating offset for page numbers display
                  from the right side of the screen.

--pn-offb=int   : A positive integer indicating offset for page numbers display
                  from the bottom side of the screen.

--wrap          : Allow line break happenings inside words.

--nowrap        : Do not wrap chars inside of a word (that is, not allowing 
                  line breaks inside the same "word"), this option improves 
                  readability if for some reason the context is not clear in
                  considering any word's interpretation, at the expense of some
                  more number of files generated. This is the default option.

--bg=file       : Use file as the background texture for paper instead of a 
                  solid background color.

--bg-fixed      : Use background plainly as is (this is default mode). 

--bg-tiled      : Use background image as a mosaic and repeat it until screen's
                  background is filled. 

--bg-stretched  : Stretch background image until it fits exactly covering the
                  whole space of screen's background.

--bg-opac=0-100 : Mix background image with background color letting background
                  image (painted one level upper) have a transparency level for
                  background color to shine through, up to this opacity level.

--rotate90      : Rotate 90 degrees the output image.

--rotate180     : Rotate 180 degrees the output image.

--rotate270     : Rotate 270 degrees the output image.

--encoding=ienc : Declare character coding to be of ienc type, where ienc is a
                  recognized coding type, ISO-8859-1, for example. Does a 
                  character mapping based encoding transformation.

--oencoding=oen : Use oen encoding for the rendered text. GD library fonts use
                  ISO-8859-2 internally. Specifiying --encoding or --oencoding
                  is currently the only way to force encoding transformations 
                  to take place. Otherwise characters will be render careless.

--single=path   : Use path as a filename spec where a single image output for 
                  preview will be produced. This option is intended to be used
                  only for GUI based wrappers. Currently this path is relative
                  to that of this script, or an absolute path specification, 
                  and is not previously examined for correctness.

--stdout=0|1    : Use stdout for error output too (1) or prevail classical way,
                  redirecting error output to stderr (0).

--stdout        : Alias for --stdout=1.

--pref=file     : Read file for preferences, as an inclusive alternative 
                  mimetic and parallel to command line options parsing.

You, the developer, the developer (Ignacio Javier "igjav"), you. Nice to meet you :-).

© 2010-2012, Ignacio Javier "igjav". RENDERTEXT is free software GPL licensed.

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