Preference file options
Preference file parameters go one by line, starting by its name, followed by the ASCII '=' char, and the preference value. This way:
Comments can be embedded in, going one per line, starting with the ASCII ';' character. This way:
; this is a comment
Options summary
- force_folder_override
- Do you want to enable rewriting folders with generated e-books?: 0 to prevent, 1 to enable.
example: force_folder_override=1
- output_folder
- Specify an alternate ouput disk/folder for generated e-books.
example: output_folder=C:/
- short_img_names
- Use this option to specify if you want to limit file name size in characters (as some operating systems have problems with long file names).
- Put to 1 to use default limit, an integer above 1 to a concrete max length.
- Left blank this option, or put 0 for not limiting file name sizes.
example: short_img_names=8
- force_text_mode
- Values: full, linear, compact or html, to force its correspondent text layout interpretation by rendertext.
example: force_text_mode=compact
- default_text_mode
- Values: full, linear, or compact to default text files to this format. Does not affect html mode though, only plain text files. Be advised that "text file or not to text" is detected by extension, or not having one, files that have an extension recognized as html or as source code (perl, java, etc...), for example, are continuing to be interpreted literally, that's using full text mode. So that's the reason of the force_text_mode option, to fully force whatever another behavior you want.
example: default_text_mode=full
- letter_spacing
- Space between characters in pixels (can be a negative integer).
example: letter_spacing=-1
- line_height
- Space between lines in pixels (can be a negative integer).
example: line_height=-1
- bg_color
- The background color, in web hex format (#ff000 for red and so for...).
example: bg_color=#282828
- fg_color
- A color for text, in web hex format.
example: fg_color=#eeeeee
- bg_img_path
- Path for a background image.
example: bg_img_path=/somepath/someimage.jpg
- bg_img_attachment
- Fill type for background image: fixed, tiled or stretched.
example: bg_img_attachment=stretched
- bg_img_opac
- Alpha value for background image, in the range 0-100.
example: bg_img_opac=50
- img_format
- GIF, JPG or PNG for output.
example: img_format=PNG
- img_compression
- Compression ratio for output (png: 0-9, jpeg: 0-100).
example: img_compression=8
- img_dithering
- Image palette dithering: 0 no dither, 1 use dithering.
example: img_dithering=1
- img_colors
- Max number of colors, for paletized formats only (gif, maybe png).
example: img_colors=4
- img_width
- Use this option to adapt image size to your exact device's screen width (valid values are integers representing size in pixels).
example: img_width=300
- img_height
- Use this option to adapt image size to your exact device's screen height (valid values are integers representing size in pixels).
example: img_height=200
- rotate_img
- Values: 0 (default), 90, 180 or 270, to rotate image 90, 180 or 270 degrees at the output, respectively, in order to, combined with switching img_width and img_height values, probably ease reading in some weirdly handled devices.
example: rotate_img=90
- margin_top
- Space from image top to text in pixels, positive values only.
example: margin_top=8
- margin_right
- Space from right image side to text in pixels, positive values only.
example: margin_right=4
- margin_left
- Space from left image side to text in pixels, positive values only.
example: margin_left=5
- margin_bottom
- Space from the bottom side of the image to text in pixels, positive values only.
example: margin_bottom=0
- font_size
- Possible values are 1, 2, 3 or 4, in increasing size.
example: font_size=2
- print_page_numbers
- Put to 0 for not to print page numbers, 1 for printing, this is the default.
example: print_page_numbers=1
- page_numbers_roffset
- Pixel offset from right side of the image where page numbers will be printed.
example: page_numbers_roffset=1
- page_numbers_boffset
- Pixel offset from image bottom where page numbers will be printed.
example: page_numbers_boffset=1
- wrap_text
- Do you want to allow broken words at newlines or not? Values: 1 to allow, 0 to disallow, let blank for default.
example: wrap_text=0
- text_encoding
- Source (html, text) encoding format, commonly one of string like: ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8.
example: text_encoding=UTF-8
- output_encoding
- Encoding format used for rendering, default: ISO-8859-2.
example: output_encoding=ISO-8859-2
- split
- Organize images at output in series of numbered folders with the images, this value allows to specify the number of images to store, in each folder: maybe useful for organization of e-booooooooks.
example: split=10