"Yes; he is at work in his library, but he expects you, sir," replied
the valet. The stranger ascended a rough staircase, and before a table,
illumined by a lamp whose light was concentrated by a large shade while
the rest of the apartment was in partial darkness, he perceived the abbe
in a monk's dress, with a cowl on his head such as was used by learned
men of the Middle Ages. "Have I the honor of addressing the Abbe
Busoni?" asked the visitor.
"Yes, sir," replied the abbe; "and you are the person whom M. de
Boville, formerly an inspector of prisons, sends to me from the prefect
of police?"
"Exactly, sir."
"One of the agents appointed to secure the safety of Paris?"
"Yes, sir" replied the stranger with a slight hesitation, and blushing.
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