The abbe replaced the large spectacles, which covered not only his eyes
but his temples, and sitting down motioned to his visitor to do the
same. "I am at your service, sir," said the abbe, with a marked Italian
"The mission with which I am charged, sir," replied the visitor,
speaking with hesitation, "is a confidential one on the part of him
who fulfils it, and him by whom he is employed." The abbe bowed. "Your
probity," replied the stranger, "is so well known to the prefect that he
wishes as a magistrate to ascertain from you some particulars connected
with the public safety, to ascertain which I am deputed to see you. It
is hoped that no ties of friendship or humane consideration will induce
you to conceal the truth."
"Provided, sir, the particulars you wish for do not interfere with
my scruples or my conscience. I am a priest, sir, and the secrets
of confession, for instance, must remain between me and God, and not
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