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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"for I come from one to whom everyone must be at home. But have the
kindness to give the Abbe Busoni"--

"I told you he was not at home," repeated the valet. "Then on his return
give him that card and this sealed paper. Will he be at home at eight
o'clock this evening?"

"Doubtless, unless he is at work, which is the same as if he were out."

"I will come again at that time," replied the visitor, who then retired.

At the appointed hour the same man returned in the same carriage, which,
instead of stopping this time at the end of the Rue Ferou, drove up to
the green door. He knocked, and it opened immediately to admit him.
From the signs of respect the valet paid him, he saw that his note had
produced a good effect. "Is the abbe at home?" asked he.

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