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The Count of Monte Cristo

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you are doubtless aware that the Orientals value only two things--the
fine breeding of their horses and the beauty of their women."

"Nay, count," said the baroness, "it would have been somewhat more
gallant to have placed the ladies first."

"You see, madame, how rightly I spoke when I said I required a preceptor
to guide me in all my sayings and doings here." At this instant the
favorite attendant of Madame Danglars entered the boudoir; approaching
her mistress, she spoke some words in an undertone. Madame Danglars
turned very pale, then exclaimed,--"I cannot believe it; the thing is

"I assure you, madame," replied the woman, "it is as I have said."
Turning impatiently towards her husband, Madame Danglars demanded, "Is
this true?"

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