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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Is what true, madame?" inquired Danglars, visibly agitated.

"What my maid tells me."

"But what does she tell you?"

"That when my coachman was about to harness the horses to my carriage,
he discovered that they had been removed from the stables without his
knowledge. I desire to know what is the meaning of this?"

"Be kind enough, madame, to listen to me," said Danglars.

"Oh, yes; I will listen, monsieur, for I am most curious to hear what
explanation you will give. These two gentlemen shall decide between us;
but, first, I will state the case to them. Gentlemen," continued the
baroness, "among the ten horses in the stables of Baron Danglars, are
two that belong exclusively to me--a pair of the handsomest and most
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