"Nay, madame. This time I have merely come from Cadiz."
"You have selected a most unfavorable moment for your first visit. Paris
is a horrible place in summer. Balls, parties, and fetes are over; the
Italian opera is in London; the French opera everywhere except in Paris.
As for the Theatre Francais, you know, of course, that it is nowhere.
The only amusements left us are the indifferent races at the Champ de
Mars and Satory. Do you propose entering any horses at either of these
races, count?"
"I shall do whatever they do at Paris, madame, if I have the good
fortune to find some one who will initiate me into the prevalent ideas
of amusement."
"Are you fond of horses, count?"
"I have passed a considerable part of my life in the East, madame, and
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