of Monte Cristo, who has been most warmly recommended to me by my
correspondents at Rome. I need but mention one fact to make all the
ladies in Paris court his notice, and that is, that he has come to take
up his abode in Paris for a year, during which brief period he proposes
to spend six millions of money. That means balls, dinners, and lawn
parties without end, in all of which I trust the count will remember
us, as he may depend upon it we shall him, in our own humble
entertainments." In spite of the gross flattery and coarseness of this
address, Madame Danglars could not forbear gazing with considerable
interest on a man capable of expending six millions in twelve months,
and who had selected Paris for the scene of his princely extravagance.
"And when did you arrive here?" inquired she.
"Yesterday morning, madame."
"Coming, as usual, I presume, from the extreme end of the globe? Pardon
me--at least, such I have heard is your custom."
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