shall see. Be kind enough, then, to send me 500,000 francs to-morrow. I
shall be at home till midday, or if not, I will leave a receipt with my
"The money you desire shall be at your house by ten o'clock to-morrow
morning, my dear count," replied Danglars. "How would you like to have
it? in gold, silver, or notes?"
"Half in gold, and the other half in bank-notes, if you please," said
the count, rising from his seat.
"I must confess to you, count," said Danglars, "that I have hitherto
imagined myself acquainted with the degree of all the great fortunes of
Europe, and still wealth such as yours has been wholly unknown to me.
May I presume to ask whether you have long possessed it?"
"It has been in the family a very long while," returned Monte Cristo, "a
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