are quite sure that not a lurking doubt or suspicion lingers in your
"Oh, my dear count," exclaimed Danglars, "I never for an instant
entertained such a feeling towards you."
"No, you merely wished to be convinced, nothing more; but now that
we have come to so clear an understanding, and that all distrust and
suspicion are laid at rest, we may as well fix a sum as the probable
expenditure of the first year, suppose we say six millions to"--
"Six millions!" gasped Danglars--"so be it."
"Then, if I should require more," continued Monte Cristo in a careless
manner, "why, of course, I should draw upon you; but my present
intention is not to remain in France more than a year, and during that
period I scarcely think I shall exceed the sum I mentioned. However, we
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