sort of treasure expressly forbidden to be touched for a certain period
of years, during which the accumulated interest has doubled the capital.
The period appointed by the testator for the disposal of these riches
occurred only a short time ago, and they have only been employed by me
within the last few years. Your ignorance on the subject, therefore, is
easily accounted for. However, you will be better informed as to me and
my possessions ere long." And the count, while pronouncing these latter
words, accompanied them with one of those ghastly smiles that used to
strike terror into poor Franz d'Epinay.
"With your tastes, and means of gratifying them," continued Danglars,
"you will exhibit a splendor that must effectually put us poor miserable
millionaires quite in the shade. If I mistake not you are an admirer of
paintings, at least I judged so from the attention you appeared to be
bestowing on mine when I entered the room. If you will permit me, I
shall be happy to show you my picture gallery, composed entirely of
works by the ancient masters--warranted as such. Not a modern picture
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