is never very safe during fair time.'--'Oh, as to the robbers,' said
Joannes, 'here is something for them,' and he drew from his pocket a
pair of small pistols, loaded to the muzzle. 'Here,' said he, 'are dogs
who bark and bite at the same time, they are for the two first who shall
have a longing for your diamond, Friend Caderousse.'
"Caderousse and his wife again interchanged a meaning look. It seemed
as though they were both inspired at the same time with some
horrible thought. 'Well, then, a good journey to you,' said
Caderousse.--'Thanks,' replied the jeweller. He then took his cane,
which he had placed against an old cupboard, and went out. At the moment
when he opened the door, such a gust of wind came in that the lamp was
nearly extinguished. 'Oh,' said he, 'this is very nice weather, and two
leagues to go in such a storm.'--'Remain,' said Caderousse. 'You can
sleep here.'--'Yes; do stay,' added La Carconte in a tremulous voice;
'we will take every care of you.'--'No; I must sleep at Beaucaire. So,
once more, good-night.' Caderousse followed him slowly to the threshold.
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