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The Count of Monte Cristo

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'I can see neither heaven nor earth,' said the jeweller, who was outside
the door. 'Do I turn to the right, or to the left hand?'--'To the
right,' said Caderousse. 'You cannot go wrong--the road is bordered by
trees on both sides.'--'Good--all right,' said a voice almost lost in
the distance. 'Close the door,' said La Carconte; 'I do not like open
doors when it thunders.'--'Particularly when there is money in the
house, eh?' answered Caderousse, double-locking the door.

"He came into the room, went to the cupboard, took out the bag and
pocket-book, and both began, for the third time, to count their gold and
bank-notes. I never saw such an expression of cupidity as the flickering
lamp revealed in those two countenances. The woman, especially,
was hideous; her usual feverish tremulousness was intensified, her
countenance had become livid, and her eyes resembled burning coals.
'Why,' she inquired in a hoarse voice, 'did you invite him to sleep here
to-night?'--'Why?' said Caderousse with a shudder; 'why, that he might
not have the trouble of returning to Beaucaire.'--'Ah,' responded the
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