although you have wronged us of perhaps 10,000 francs, will you have
your supper with us? I invite you with good-will.'--'Thank you,'
replied the jeweller, 'it must be getting late, and I must return to
Beaucaire--my wife will be getting uneasy.' He drew out his watch, and
exclaimed, 'Morbleu, nearly nine o'clock--why, I shall not get back to
Beaucaire before midnight! Good-night, my friends. If the Abbe Busoni
should by any accident return, think of me.'--'In another week you will
have left Beaucaire.' remarked Caderousse, 'for the fair ends in a few
days.'--'True, but that makes no difference. Write to me at Paris, to
M. Joannes, in the Palais Royal, arcade Pierre, No. 45. I will make the
journey on purpose to see him, if it is worth while.' At this moment
there was a tremendous clap of thunder, accompanied by a flash of
lightning so vivid, that it quite eclipsed the light of the lamp.
"'See here,' exclaimed Caderousse. 'You cannot think of going out in
such weather as this.'--'Oh, I am not afraid of thunder,' said the
jeweller.--'And then there are robbers,' said La Carconte. 'The road
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