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Novelas Cortas

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=arte= _m. f._ art, artfulness; =malas artes= evil practices.
=articular= to articulate.
=artista= _m._ artist.
=asador= _m._ turnspit.
=asalto= assault, storm.
=ascendiente= forefather.
=ascetico= ascetic.
=asco= nausea.
=asegurar= to secure, assure.
=asemejar= _vr._ to be like.
=asasinar= to assassinate.
=asesinato= assassination.
=asesino= assassin.
=asesor= assessor, counselor.
=asestar= to aim.
=asfixiar= to asphyxiate.
=asi= thus, so; ---- como as well as, ---- que as soon as.
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