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Novelas Cortas

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=asiento= seat, chair.
=asimilable= capable of assimilation.
=asir= _vr._ to seize.
=asistente= _m._ orderly.
=asistir= to be present.
=asno= ass.
=asolador-a= destructive, racking.
=asomar= to show; _vr._ to appear, begin to appear.
=asombrar= to amaze.
=asombro= amazement.
=asombroso= astonishing.
=aspero= rough.
=aspirar= to aspire.
=astilla= splinter.
=astro= star, luminous body.
=asturiano= of the province of Asturias (_in N. Spain._)
=asunto= subject, matter.
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