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Novelas Cortas

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=arnes= _m._ harness, trapping.
=arcancar= to pull up, wrest, force out.
=arranque= _m._ pulling up, impulse, vehemence.
=arrastrar= to drag.
=arrebatar= to snatch, carry off, fling.
=arrepentir= _vr._ to repent.
=arriba= up, above.
=arriero= muleteer.
=arrimar= to draw near.
=arrodillar= _vr._ to kneel.
=arrojar= to throw.
=arrollar= to roll up.
=arroyo= brook, rivulet, stream.
=arroyuelo= _(dim.)_ brooklet.
=arruga= wrinkle.
=arruinar= to ruin, demolish.
=arrullo= cooing.
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