100-1: =el veintitantos=: _between the 20th and 28th_. The word is compounded in the same manner as _veintiseis_, etc. Cf. note _veintiun_, p. 22, 2. 100-2: =nevaba si habia que nevar=: _(freely) it snowed if it ever did_. 100-3: =sierra andaluza=: i.e. _Sierra Nevada_. 100-4: =sena=: provincialism for _senora_. 100-5: =cata aqui=: cf. same note, p. 84, 6. 100-6: =todo de un solo golpe=: _all at once_. 100-7: =se haran ustedes cargo=: cf. note _te has hecho cargo_, p. 98, 2.
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