98-4: =despues de descubierto=: cf. note _despues de muerto_, p. 5, 8. 98-5: =subir... hasta rey=: _rise even to the dignity of king_. 98-6: =?Que te parece mi proyecto?=: _how does my plan strike you_? 99-1: =Tu no has caido en una cuenta=: _there is one thing you have failed to understand. Caigo en_..., I understand. 99-2: =tonto de capirote=: _utterly foolish_. 99-3: =Ni=: _and_. This peculiarly idiomatic use of the negative may be explained as being carried into the expression of the thought by suggestion from its essentially negative nature. Cf. note _ni_, p. 16, 6.
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