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Novelas Cortas

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100-8: =cruzandose la mantilla=: _crossing the ends of her mantilla
over her breast_.

100-9: =Estaria de Dios=: _it must have been God's will_. Cf. note
_no habria andado_, p. 8, 6.

100-10: =echases la misa en el puchero=: (should throw the mass into
the kettle) _should stay at home and not go to mass_.

100-11: =sobre si=: _on (the question) whether; as to whether_.

101-1: =Marchado que se hubo=: cf. note _echado que hubo_, p. 1, 3.

101-2: =manta de muestra=: a showy wrap or blanket.

101-3: =maestro de obras=: _master-mason_.

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