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Novelas Cortas

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88-2: =Aben-Humeya=: cf. same note, p. 76, 5.

88-3: =Penitenciario=: _father-confessor_.

88-4: =esta en los huesos=: _is reduced to mere skin and bones_.

88-5: =alcuzcuz=: pellets of honey and flour, a favorite Moorish

88-6: =candil=: cf. note _candil_, p. 59, 2.

89-1: =dicha de pronto=: _suddenly reported_.

89-2: =Fez=: a large inland city of Morocco, south of Tangier.

89-3: =como quiera que esta sea la hora... que no se haya vuelto a
saber de Manos-Gordas=: _inasmuch as up to the present hour no one
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