maintenance of a constitution, in spite of domestic opposition, and even
of foreign intervention. Cf. note _Fernando VII_, p. 51, 7.
58-18: =Finana=: a town near _Almeria_. Cf. note p. 45, 6.
58-19: =segun supe=: cf. note _segun que_, p. 55, 5; cf. also note
_supe_, p. 63, 2.
58-20: =llevara=: _must have passed_ (i.e. in Paradise). Cf. note
_llevarian_, p. 6, 2, and note _no habria andado_, p. 8, 6.
59-1: =Alcazaba=: the _cerro de Alcazaba_, a peak of the Sierra
Nevada range, about halfway between the cities of _Granada_ (note 1, 2)
and _Almeria_.
59-2: =candil=: an iron _kitchen lamp_ attachable to the wall.
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