59-3: =llevaba=: cf. note _llevarian_, p. 6, 2. 59-4: =a la media hora=: _after half an hour_. 59-5: =se me ha olvidado=: cf. note, p. 51, 3. 59-6: =en cuanto a=: _as regards_. 59-7: =como miraria=: _how he must have viewed_. 59-8: =didon=: a term used as an insulting equivalent for _Frenchman_, derived from _dis done_ (say!) so frequent in colloquial French. 59-9: =gabacho=: used as a synonym of the preceding. Properly, it is applied to natives of the Pyrenean frontier towns, whose dialect is full of French elements--hence the extension of the term.
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