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Novelas Cortas

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58-12: =bribonazo=: _great rogue_. The ending _azo_ is often merely
augmentative. Cf. also note _pistoletazo_, p. 18, 3.

58-13: =otro=: Napoleon III, emperor of France (1852-1870).

58-14: =mamelucos de Oriente=: The Mamelukes were a body of militia,
operating in Egypt, under Turkish command. The curate apparently regards
the Turks as a necessary barrier for preventing the Russians from
overflowing Occidental Europe. Some commentators have succeeded in
finding this calamity foretold in the Book of Revelation.

58-15: =Gador=: cf. note _Gador_, p. 56, 3.

58-16: =rusos y moscovitas=: These words are synonymous.

58-17: =Constitucion=: most of the political activity of Spain,
during the nineteenth century, was expended on the creation and
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