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Novelas Cortas

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the eighteenth century.

58-5: =ano 23=: cf. p. 51 and note on _Fernando VII_, p. 51, 7.

58-6: =Estara apuntado=: cf. note _no habria andado_, p. 8, 6.

58-7: =rezan=: (lit. _pray_)_ tell, recount_ (colloquialism).

58-8: =se lo cree a puno cerrado=: cf. notes _lo que me digo_, p. 7,
5, and _creais_, etc., p. 43, 1.

58-9: =tres duros y medio=: a humorous expression, _duro_ (dollar)
equal to 20 _reales_, being used for _score_.

58-10: =mes de San Juan=: i.e. June.

58-11: =el polaco aquel=: (colloquial) _that Pole_.
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