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Novelas Cortas

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41-5: =no se esperaba=: cf. note _lo que me digo_, p. 7, 5.

41-6: =no teneis para que=: _you have no reason_.

41-7: =no los toqueis=: cf. note _no seas_, p. 6, 7.

42-1: la Coruna: the principal port of Galicia (cf. note _gallego_, p.
33, 1).

42-2: Vierais: cf. note _dijerase_, p. 35, 2.

43-1: =creais a puno cerrado=: _believe implicitly_ (lit. _with
clenched fists_).

43-2: =presumo de liberal=: _I pride myself on being a liberal_ (and
hence inclined to anti= clericalism as well as republicanism).

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